The Pōpolo Project is a curated multimedia meditation on Blackness in Hawai‘i and the broader Pacific. Featuring images, audio, and the stories of Black folks, the project is a site for making this often obscured community visible against the backdrop of multicultural Hawai‘i.
Polygraphies: Tokelau, Migration, and the Compass of Language book project examines how Tokelau Islanders relocated to Hawai‘i encounter the politics of language revitalization in the diaspora to recover and reinvent their identities as migrants and displaced Indigenous Pacific Islanders.
An Introduction to Polynesian Linguistics text with Dr. Karena Kelly, Victoria University Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, provides students with an orientation to linguistic theory and practice through the lens of contemporary Polynesian culture.
Carolina Algonquian Lexicon archival and ethnographic lexicography project works with material from the sixteenth through twentieth centuries, documenting the Indigenous language of coastal Virginia and North Carolina and how contemporary Algonquian descendants encounter ancestral place names and lexical items in their daily language.